Terms of Service

At Waldron Dental, we constantly endeavour to provide the highest quality service. This agreement provides further details of our terms and conditions of service. As a patient of Waldron Dental, we ask that you agree to follow these terms and conditions.

Treatment planning

Once your treatment plan has been agreed upon with the Dentist or Dental Expert, we will provide printed details of your treatment plan. If this plan changes due to radiographic or clinical findings, we will inform you and discuss this with you. Treatment plans and fees are valid for 90 days from the date the treatment was prescribed. If you wish to query any points on your treatment plan, please do not hesitate to ask us before booking the appointments for actual treatments.

Personal Details

You must give a complete medical history and details of any medication you take. Should these change in any way, you need to tell your Dentist. The patient’s responsibility is to inform the clinic of any personal details and medical history changes.

Consent forms

Specific treatments require the completion of a written consent form. This explains the treatment, aftercare, any risks and benefits to you thoroughly before any of these treatments are carried out.
Consent for any treatment can be withdrawn at any point by the patient or dental professional.


The final balance for treatment is due on the day the treatment is provided. A minimum of 50% of any future appointment fee is required when booking an appointment. We do not operate an account in an arrears facility, and we need payments to be settled at the appointment where treatment is provided. Where treatment incurs a laboratory fee, a minimum of 50% of the total cost is due at the appointment when impressions are taken. For specific treatments like Dental Implants and Invisalign, fees are taken in staged payments and at each visit outlined in your treatment plan.

Fees for treatment where intravenous sedation is included must be settled before the appointment to avoid financial transactions or signatures being required whilst a client is still under the influence of the sedative.
In cases where treatment is paid for on finance through a Finance company, please be aware that the finance agreement must be accepted and signed before starting that treatment. Please note that finance is only available on treatments over £250.00, not including Emergency Dental Treatment, and that a minimum deposit may also be required.

If you have financed any of your treatment costs through the finance company and wish to cancel your treatment after signing the agreement forms, please be aware that a cancellation fee of 10% of the total finance amount unpaid will be charged after 14 days.

Waldron Dental reserves the right to charge time-based deposits for booking future appointments. Deposits are deductible from the cost of treatment. When we book free consultations, we require a refundable deposit of £30 to secure the appointment.

This deposit can either be refunded to you on attendance or credited towards your treatment with us.
Payment methods accepted are:
1. Cash
2. Debit/Credit Card including American Express

Waldron Dental does not accept any payments by cheque. Please note that unpaid accounts are routinely referred to a Debt Collection Agency or the Small Claims Court, and we reserve the right to recover all costs incurred in doing so.

Late cancellation or missed appointments

We require a minimum of 48 business hours notice to cancel an arranged appointment with our General Dentist or Hygienist, and 72 business hours notice is required for a set appointment with our Expert Dentists.
When we schedule an appointment for a patient, we book the surgery time off for that patient’s treatment.
Failure to give the appropriate notice of cancellation or not attending your appointment may result in a Failed Appointment Fee being charged. This fee is charged per 30 minutes of the appointment failed and covers the cost of the surgery time wasted. The cancellation fees are:


Failed Appointment fees must be settled before any other appointment is offered.
We reserve the right to take a minimum of 50% deposit to book further appointments for missed appointments or short notice cancellations.
Please note it is also down to the clinic discretion if further appointments can be booked for any late cancellations or missed appointments.

Late for appointments

Waldron Dental understands that some patients travel long distances to get to the clinic, and in some cases, being late for appointments can be unavoidable. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment time, please be aware that you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.

Our Guarantee

At Waldron Dental, we strive to give you the very best results we also stand behind our excellence in longevity, quality and durability. We offer a 12-month guarantee for permanent fillings and dental implants.
Porcelain Crowns, Porcelain Veneers, Implants and Bridges commenced and completed at Waldron Dental are guaranteed to be replaced, if they cannot be repaired, for a period of three years for absolutely no fees or charges to offer total peace of mind.

For this reason, we offer a genuine three year guarantee that offers total peace of mind. We really want your dental treatment to last as long as possible and are proud of our unique, peace of mind three-year guarantee.

A few simple conditions apply:

1. The patient attends a minimum of two examinations and scale and cleans in each year following completion of treatment, and has followed our recommended preventative dental treatments and maintenance program.
2. A bite splint is worn at night in cases where the dentist detects a history of grinding and/or clenching.
3. The dental treatment has been paid in full and there is no outstanding balance on the account.
4. The crown, porcelain veneer, implant or bridge has not been damaged by trauma, accidents, or excessive grinding or neglect such as new decay, gum disease, misuse, abuse, accidents or any additional dental treatment.
5. The restoration provided is permanent and deemed by a Waldron Dental member to be the most appropriate method of dental treatment.
6. It is unlikely your tooth will need a root canal treatment but the nerve in your tooth is unpredictable. This means root canal treatment is not covered by the three year guarantee.
7. The three year guarantee only applies if any remedial or subsequent dental work is provided by a Waldron Dental clinician.
8. If your dental treatment requires replacement or repair and a different dental material or technique is deemed to be necessary by the dentist or dental laboratory, then only the difference is payable.

We also offer an extended protection plan with our implant and orthodontic treatments. This cover is valid across all our clinics and selected partnered clinics in the UK.

Use of audio recordings, images and x-rays

Still images, motion video and special investigatory images such as x-ray or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of your teeth are essential in communication with the (dental laboratory and other members of the
clinical team) that handmade dental restorations are required to ensure the best aesthetic results. We often
take images and videos for this purpose. Such arrangements will be discussed with you before and agreed upon separately.

We may make audio recordings of consultations or specific discussions for training and monitoring purposes.

This allows all team members to improve our services and ensure no aspects of conversation are missed.

Use of patient contact details

At Waldron Dental, the health of our patients is our highest priority, and we also like to keep our patients informed of various significant changes at the clinic and our latest special offers. We want to remind our patients of their appointments, appointments, and other various essential reminders when they are due for appointments. On this note, you may be periodically contacted by the clinic via phone, text, email or by letter in the post. If you DO NOT wish to be contacted by the clinic by any or all these means, please let us know.

Complaint’s policy

If you should be concerned about the service you have received from the dentists or any member of staff working in practice, please let us know. We operate a Practice Complaints Procedure that adheres to national

We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise, and with the person concerned. If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way and you wish to let us know, please do
so as soon as possible to enable us to establish what has happened more easily.

Some complaints are best dealt with less formally by discussing your concerns with our Practice Team. We will explain the complaints procedure to you and ensure your matters are dealt with promptly. If you are not fully satisfied with the outcome after dealing with the practice team, they will assist you in progressing your complaint to the more formal process outlined below.

Formal complaints should be put in writing and addressed to our company complaints team via support@waldrondental.co.uk. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within three working days.

We will outline what we will investigate, how and give an approximate timescale that is best suited to you to keep you informed of the progress of the investigation and the timeframe of how long we think it will take to be completed. We shall keep you informed regularly as far as practically possible. We shall then offer you a full explanation or arrange a meeting with those involved and discuss this confidentially either in writing or in person within our private discussion area.

In investigating the complaint, we shall aim to:

1. Find out what happened and what went wrong.
2. Keep proper and comprehensive records of any complaint received (written and audio).
3. Make it possible for you to discuss the problems with those concerned if you wish to do so.
4. Give you an estimated timescale for the investigation to be completed.
5. Gain your consent where information may need to be shared with insurers, indemnifiers, or legal advisers.
6. Make sure that you receive notification of the outcome of our investigation of your complaint where appropriate within ten working days.
7. Identify what we can do to ensure that it does not happen again, as all complaints are monitored closely as part of our commitment to improving the practice standards.

If you are not satisfied at any point within the investigation, your complaint will be sent to our Clinical Lead, Dr Shankar Bala. Alternatively, you can use the external contacts below.

Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Croydon CR0 6BA
Telephone: 020 8253 0800

General Dental Council
37 Wimpole Street
Email: www.gdc-uk.org
Telephone: 0845 222 4141 or 020 7887 3800

No tolerance/Abuse policy

We operate a zero-tolerance policy to abuse our Dentists and staff, loud/disorderly/drunken behaviour, persistent missing and late cancellation of appointments (after multiple warnings). In these situations, Waldron Dental reserves the right to refuse treatment and admission.

Data Protection Act

We store all patient personal details on a secure computer system following the Data Protection Act & GDPR.
All clinical notes, digital radiographs, digital photographs etc., remain the property of Waldron Dental and accessible to view. Copies of records, radiographs and photos can be made available on request. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee for these, depending on the request

Book Now

Choose the best consultation option for you. You can book a face-to-face consultation or we can talk to you right now. Our team is always ready to help you!